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30 Nov 99 00:00:00 
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Host "Highest Unique Bid"
Every UniqueAuction member checks to see if they've won an item or not, and to see what the "Highest Unique Bid" was. Why not unveil the H.U.B. on your site to generate traffic?

For a small fee (as low as 45 cents per click), all UA members participating in your URL sponsored auction will be sent to your site.

This form of advertising operates on a pay per click basis. You may purchase any amount of clicks and even set daily spending limits. HUB Setup

The winning bid is displayed on your site by using the small script below. Please select the display options, and then click in the text box (this will highlight it) and press "Ctrl-C" (or right-click, Copy) to copy the text to your computer's clipboard. You can then edit the web page on your site where you wish to display the winning bid and paste the code in the appropriate location by pressing "Ctrl-V" (or right-click, Paste). Display Options

We recommend that you choose an area on your page that is near the top of the page which is visible when the page first loads.

Minimum Clicks  Maximum Clicks  Price per Click 

Exclusive Host = 20% Extra

Exclusive Host:

  • As an Exclusive Host, only you will host the HUB of the selected auction item.
  • Each time a user clicks on your exclusive HUB link, your remaining click inventory is reduced by 1.2 clicks instead of 1 click.
  • This method comes in handy if you plan to use only part of your inventory for exclusive hosting. It allows you to benefit from quantity discounts without having to pay the premium for being exclusive on your entire inventory.


  • You choose to be the Exclusive Host for item 123.
  • 200 users click on the HUB link to view the HUB on your site.
  • This deducts 200 clicks from your purchased inventory plus and additional 20% (40 clicks) because you are the Exclusive Host, for a total of 240 less clicks in your available inventory.

    Enter the number of sponsor Clicks you would like to purchase, and specify a daily spending limit.

     Promo Code:
     Clicks  Price/Clicks  Total Price  Discounts  Net Price   

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